Tuesday, September 20, 2011

life is a verb by patti digh

life is a verb

I've posted about this wonderful book before, but it is one of my favorite books to keep handy, at arms reach. It challenges me to think about things that I do not always want to think about. It is full of wonderful quotes and wisdom. 

“Instead of a book, what if we're actually writing (or not writing) in the margins of our lives? What if our lives are books? What is the sign of our presence? Are we pressing into the margins our interpretations and questions? Are we circling offending verbs and drawing furious arrows to the margin where we scrawl "irony," "frustration," "voiceless," "unfair!" Or do we simply turn the pages, passively receiving what's given, furiously disagreeing but remaining silent about it?”

― Patti Digh, Life Is a Verb: 37 Days to Wake Up, Be Mindful, and Live Intentionally

I really do need to buy other Patti Digh books. Someday soon.

On my list of MUST have this.


adrielleroyale said...

For me lately, living intentionally means following through and disciplining myself to stick it out to the very end...it's a great challenge :)

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Adrielle, it is a great challenge for me also. I have so many projects going...I've been telling myself to finish a couple before starting another. :)

Happy Thursday to you, sweetie!
