Tuesday, October 30, 2012


source: heavyheartburdens

You will not find a greater procrastinator, ever... I have 'everyone' beat. This is not a thing I am proud of or want to brag about, it disappoints me. The thing is...I always think that if I put a thing off, I'll have a better idea later, be better at what I want to do tomorrow. Sometimes, it just feels like tomorrow may hold some magic that today doesn't - it will be a better day to do the thing I am trying not to do today.

You know what they say.... They say until you face the thing you fear that you will continue fighting the demon.

There are times when I feel I am too afraid what I want to do will not work; it makes it much easier not to do the thing at all. Like starting Yoga or meditation, what if it doesn't work for me?

I'm a work in progress. :)


Cat said...

oh honey
set yourself free
it is okay if you try and it does not work...the saddest thing is to not try at all

I have to tell you I have been doing Yoga for a year
and I SUCK at it!!! lol
my body type is not graceful or I don't even know what to say...but it is not the most natural type of exercise for me
but spiritually and even physically it has cone my mind, body and spirit well
I will probably always look like that strange bird in the class...which one does quite look like the others...but I am welcome I am a part of the class and I walk away feeling oh so good every time!

find your courage sister...it is in you to use

love and light

Cat said...

I just watched this
had to pass it on to you

you have all you need to do it!
what ever it is you want to do

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Cat, you are so sweet...thank you for the encouragement. I have heard so many good things about yoga, I think I fear if it doesn't work...there will be no where else to turn.

And, I bet you look and are much more graceful than you think.

I am going to go watch the video. Thank you for the link. I appreciate you very much!!!

Sending hugs and love your way.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sixpence,

So lovely to have a visit from you today, thanks.
I always enjoy the verse from Christopher Robin...
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

Enjoy the rest of the week

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Hi Carolyn,

Great to see you.

Thank you for the lovely reminder with the great quote. I always love inspiring quotes.

Weekend is upon us, have a great one.


keishua said...

i have bouts of procrastination. i think it's just fear. sometime, you gotta leap.