Wednesday, January 30, 2013

missing my mom

This week has been one of those weeks when I wish I could pick up the phone and call my mom and dad, or, go see them. I miss them every second of every day, but there are those days when I feel they would have advice or answers that no one else has.

photo by spbm (my beautiful mother)

(I took a photo of a photo and a photo of a glass of water - came up with this one. I LOVE it!)

David had another appointment today regarding his feet, the infected toe is doing well. So thankful!!! These infected toes have ended up with extended hospital stays, like three months or longer. I hate that he is back on antibiotics,'s way too risky for him not to take them.

Little Marelli has been a bit under the weather, kinda of a croup-like cough. He's not coughing a lot, but it started last night. Had doctor apps. today, so when he started coughing around 6 p.m., took him by the animal hospital just to get him checked. They were closed. I decided to take him by the vet with the chance he would still be there. Thankfully, he was just backing out of the parking lot, was able to tell him how he was acting, he is wonderful and told me what to do till morning. He didn't think I would even need to bring him in come morning, but said if he was still coughing to do so. I hoping what he told me to do will work. Don't need to spend any money on vets this coming month.

photo by spbm

As for the weather, we had one beautiful, awesome, delicious day this week, Monday. It got cold last night and did a little snowing, more sleet than snow. The roads are not bad, but a good idea to take extra precaution when walking.

photo by spbm

I hope everyone is having a beautiful and healthy week! Too many people do not understand that if they have their health, they have so much.


nyssa said...

I'm thinking about you. I hope David heals quickly and marelli too. Take good care of yourself. I don't have the longing to talk to my mom or dad. I'm still lucky to have them and I dread the day I don't. I can only imagine how that will feel :( xoxo ps. beautiful pics!!!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Thanks, Sweet Friend! Saw the doctor yesterday and today, his foot is doing OK at this point.

Awe, enjoy every second you get with your parents. I wish a zillion times over that I could have the moments back when I chose to spend time with someone else over my parents. If only we could be as wise when we are young. You're so blessed to have them still with you.

Thank you for the lovely visit!
