Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Romancing The Ordinary

Romancing The Ordinary by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Along with committing to journal on a daily basis this year, I also committed to reading something every day. I had this book on my bookshelf, so pulled it off and placed it where I can get my hands on it any time of day. Not all days allow me the luxury of reading as much as I would like and this book is for daily reading - words worth pondering. Let me tell you, if you do not own this book, find it and buy it - so worth it. If I read from it in the morning, it gives me something to think on during the entire day, and if I read it at night, it gives me something to ponder before going to sleep, either way it’s all good.

Blackeyed Peas, Cooked Cabbage, and homemade dinner rolls were perfect for this winter day.

I am keeping up with my journal, so far. :)
Finished another scarf. Yeah. I will get this listed tomorrow.

You can purchase this lovely scarf for yourself, your friend or realitive here:
Maxie Grace
I'm tired and it's almost midnight - time for a relaxing HOT bath and sleep.
Sweet Dreams to every one out there.

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