Wednesday, December 28, 2011

On The Wings Of A Dove

Have you ever wished you could hitch a ride on the back of a bird and fly along on the hope and faith of a bird? I have. I do. I thought about this today when I saw a Dove perched on the bird feeder pole. Think of birds flying, they never hesitate when spreading their wings and flying. They travel light - no baggage, no fear, no nagging what ifs, (yes, I am a big “what iffer”.) Just imagine if they took into account all the things that could go wrong…I envy their “no worry” take on the world and life. They don’t worry about whether their belief is the right one, if they are doing things right, or whether the path will be the right or wrong one - if only…

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. ~Swedish Proverb

Worry is rust upon the blade. ~Henry Ward Hughes


Gail said...

Beautiful quotes and yes, I have envied the freedom of birds.

On The Wings Of A Dove was the song Mom's friend sang at her memorial.

Anonymous said...

This is such a great photo! I, too, am a worrier. Guess I need to worry less and fly more : )

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Gail, I remember that song.
Happy New Year!

LadyCat, Let's fly!
Thank you for the compliment on the photo. I wish I had lots of trees to photograph from my patio, instead of businesses and parking lots. I wish I got out of the city more often than I do. Perhaps in 2012, I'll make that a "must do".

Happy New Year!


adrielleroyale said...

So, So, So true. Great photo :) I often wish I were a bird too to soar high above the rooftops, to have an eagle's eye view... I love this post and the quotes are such a great reminder, ones I must hold close and do my best to live by. :)