Sunday, August 30, 2009

living in the moment

Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha

One thing for sure, nature and animals can teach us so much...if only we listen. To live in the moment, not worry about yesterday or tomorrow. How much less stressful life would be. I watch them as they sleep, so peaceful - so content with the NOW.  All is well in their world.

I believe God talks to us through his creations more than any other way. Reading the Bible is an interpretation of what you read, and who can say "they" have the key to understanding what every other person in the world interprets a different way?

Watching Portia with her babies is quite a "life" lesson in parenting. Each day she stays out of the crate a little more. When they make any kind of noise, she runs to see if all is OK. Once she observes it is, she goes back to doing whatever. How amazing to watch this little dog, who had no books to read, no doctor to tell her what to do, no family member's expertise to call upon, yet, she is doing her job as a mother, perfectly - without smothering or being controlling. Without question, it is a joy to watch her love them unconditionally, but a little sad knowing that at some time in the future she will allow them to move on to live a life of their own, without her.

I am so in awe of the natural progression of life. And thanks to Portia, she is giving me many awe moments these days.


Minka said...

Good work, Portia! You lucky doggy mommie, you to have such a nice home with such nice people so you can be such am awesome mom!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Minka, thank you! Portia does so well, it just amazes me. She gives back more than she gets, for sure. xoxo

Linda O'Neill said...

Oh my...I just want to scoop them up and give them kisses. Thanks for the great puppy pics!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Abby Creek Art, they do have that affect on one. They are just sooooooo LOVABLE! xoxo

Gail, thanks so much! xoxo

steven said...

oh sixpence, they are amazing!! so simple and innocent. i showed my twelve year old and my fourteen year old and they were equally amazed at your fortune! seeing children and young animals is very reminding of the complexities that we carry around with us as a matter of course. some of those complexities are amazing beautiful lovely and precious in themselves but i think that sometimes they acquire their cache through their not being simple. big words!!! thanks for these stories. we want more. steven

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Steven, thank you for the beautiful comment. I am thrilled your daughters are enjoying the simple and miraculous journey of these three amazing little wonders.

Draffin Bears said...

Oh Sixpence, thank you for sharing your most precious darling pups with us. They do look so relaxed and happy.

Enjoy your week

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Carolyn, I love sharing these gorgeous puppies with you all. Love is all the better when shared with others...:)

Have a wonderful week! xoxo

Lola G. said...

Thanks so much for sharing all of this delicious cuddliness -- enjoy the puppy breath!!

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Lola, I wish you all could reach through the screen and touch them, they feel like silk. I love cuddling them. xoxo

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh my gosh I feel like crying.

What a beautiful caring mom she is. The babies are so gorgeous, I just want to pat their silky heads.

thanks honey,

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Portia is such a trooper!
So glad to see their eyes opening now...continue to enjoy the moment darling! ~xo*

Jo said...

Living in the moment....something I continually strive for. Why is it so difficult at times? ;)
I love the life lessons Portia is teaching you, and you are sharing (beautifully, I might add) here with us.
It's amazing for me to think of Portia and her puppies and to think that if I just trust my instinct, like she does, life might be much simpler. And happier, for all involved.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Dustjacket, That's the way I feel when I look at them, like crying. I just love the silkiness of them, the way they have started cuddling up in my hands. They are just the sweetest and best. Thanks so much for stopping by. xoxo

Lenore, she sure is a trooper. I want them to stay just the way they are, then I could keep them.:) Since Portia does such a fantastic job as a mother, it would not be a problem if they would just stay little babies.:) I will continue to enjoy all the moments...:) xoxo

Jo, I don't know why it is that it is so hard to live in the moment. Maybe some do it much easier than I do. It seems I am always living in the past or future. Portia and Marelli teach me something new every day, and I hope they never stop. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I'll give Portia and her babies a hug and kiss from you. :) xoxo

Slices of Beauty... said...

Sixp, can I please one of your babies, they are so cute!
Portia the yummy mummy.

Rinkly Rimes said...

They call it 'instinct' but I think it's a whole lot more.

Monica said...

They are super adorable.

Lola said...

Thank you for sharing such an important step in Portia's & her adorable pups' young lives!

Have a great week!


Christina said...

we certainly can learn from animals and what a neat experience this is...thanks for sharing.


how absolutely breathtakingly beautiful - the babies - mommy - her love - their love - their needs her gifts - it's true - all creatures can learn from each other - and what more wonderful way than through sharing their loving experiences!

oh, and i WISH i could have just one of the little ones!!!


Calli said...

How absolutely, adorable! Such amazing love...the photos are also amazing!

Nature, animals, love, all so intertwined in beauty!


Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Oh, I just love getting to experience the puppies through your eyes! Portia is such a sweet girl and great Mum to her babies! What happened to humans that so many mothers don't have the nurturing instinct? Perhaps our lives are just too complicated and people too often are distracted from what is truly the most important thing: family.

Thanks for making my night. I can't get enough puppy pics!

Anthony said...

They're all looking so cute and healthy! Don't you just love their pure and total innocence?!

Of course, animals don't really outgrow that... And that is why they deserve our gentle handling, empathy and respect. As far as I can tell, you're doing a fine job on all accounts!

Do you plan to keep any of the pups for yourself, or are you going to find them all good homes?

Anonymous said...

That is the single hardest thing for a person to do: live in the moment. Excellent post.

The Curious Cat said...

Oh they are such sweet bundles of joy!!!

Melissa A said...

How cute little baby puppies are, I wish I could pick them up and cuddle them.

PS~Erin said...

Lovely connection. And the adorable pictures. Have a wonderful weekend!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

I so agree...I learned so much watching our Dane Taylor take care of her pups. Taught me so much more about how to relate to a dog.

terry of frisco said...
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Rubyred said...

Oh such cuteness, I love them!
Rachel x

terry of frisco said...

they are sooo lovely and innocent, it swells the heart. I hope you share their updates...

Margaret Pangert said...

hi Six! I think their biggest lesson of all is the ability to let go. Love that.. Let go. Take care of that issue... Let go. Eat that... Let go. Be in the moment at each instance, but then let go each time. Receiving unconditional love is the most wonderful feeling. xx

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Hi darling...
just checking that you & the whole gang are doing well! I'm quite sure you all are!! KISSES***