Saturday, April 26, 2014

Roasted Chickpeas

 I'm not sure what took me so long in making these, they are delicious...and super easy. There are different flavor combinations all over Pinterest. For some strange reason, I chose the sweet today, very good. Will add more cinnamon next time I make this one, but there are so many different spice combinations I want to try, that it may be a little while before I make my way back to this one.

Recipe can be found here:

Little Ada will be starting her ice skating lessons soon, so making her leg warmers to wear. Finished another pair for her last night. She looks so darn cute in them.

All photos by spbm


Willow said...

I love chickpeas ~ always have.
The leg warmers are beautiful , love earth tone colored yarn.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

Willow, thanks for visiting.
I love chickpeas, too, and going to try these with savory spices soon. They really are so good, and, you can eat them without feeling guilty.

Wishing you a wonderful and blessed weekend ahead.